by Quentin Werrie | Dec 9, 2015 | Acceleration Capital, Uncategorized
One could be excused for thinking that 3D printing (3DP) is a recently developed technology, since for most of us 3DP only appeared on our radar of awareness quite recently, but the origins already go back to 1984. Yes, 1984 that is the year that Steve Jobs launched...
by Buysse & Partners | Jan 27, 2015 | Uncategorized
Ondanks alle tegenkanting uit Duitsland heeft Mario Draghi zijn slag thuis gehaald: vanaf maart start de ECB met haar variant van “quantitative easing” of “QE”. De grote verrassing was niet zozeer het bedrag van 60 miljard euro per maand. Wel dat het de intentie is om...
by Buysse & Partners | Jan 8, 2015 | Uncategorized
Dear Investor, The teams of Vivaldis Interim, Global Port Training, Bio Pharma Logistics, Plastiekbouw Peeters and Blommaert Aluminium realized an incredible result in 2014. Notwithstanding averse macro-economic circumstances their continuous decisiveness, efforts,...
by Buysse & Partners | Apr 16, 2014 | Asset Management, Uncategorized
Each quarter, Jan Leroy, Buysse & Partners’ Chief Investment Officer, provides his view on the macro-economical evolution of the past quarter and looks forward to what to expect for the coming months. We have just uploaded the analysis and strategy report...
by Buysse & Partners | Jan 31, 2014 | Uncategorized
When starting this blog and choosing this specific title, we wondered how many blogs have started exactly the same way and with exactly the same question. At Buysse & Partners, we are investors, we are no professional writers, stand alone bloggers. But we have a...