1. Introduction
Buysse & Partners (“B&P”) takes its responsibility regarding ESG by supporting sustainable investments. This means that we invest in companies and buildings (“Assets”) that are fully committed to meeting the needs of today, without limiting the needs of future generations.
Through the ‘Code of conduct’ and ‘Sustainability Pillars’, B&P wants to describe the way in which B&P takes its responsibility in sustainable development by supporting sustainable investments.
2. Our Code of conduct
The B&P code of conduct is our sustainability promise that we make to all our stakeholders. The B&P code of conduct is supported by the entire organization and actively supported in business operations. Our sustainability promise consists of 3 parts:
(1) We consciously invest in Assets with a long-term view because it gives us the opportunity to make long-term decisions. This conscious choice gives us the opportunity to make companies more sustainable from within, whereby the extra investment in time is earned back exponentially.
(2) We adopt an active governance stance to make the Assets in our investment portfolio more sustainable. By raising awareness instead of imposing strict and unilateral rules and objectives, we give companies the opportunity to assess for themselves when and how they can achieve the greatest impact. We voluntarily distance ourselves from the arbitrary imposition of a framework because we are convinced that the real sustainability transition is more important than reporting it.
(3) We see it as our responsibility to start an upward spiral in our society by showing the Assets in our investment portfolio that what is good for companies is also good for the world. In this way we can make a continuous growth and let our assets grow through sustainability.
3. Our Sustainability Pillars
Asset impact
We provide the Assets in our investment portfolio with a framework that allows them to integrate sustainability into their business operations at their own pace. We believe that by doing so, we strengthen our investment portfolio from within.
Sustainable returns
We consciously choose an investment portfolio that gives us the opportunity to manage our investors’ funds sustainably and ensure that they are secured for future generations.
Development beyond ownership
We actively encourage the Assets in our investment portfolio to integrate sustainability into their business operations and development. In this way, we can guarantee that sustainability remains a part of business operations beyond our ownership.
4. ESG Disclosures at B&P level
Buysse & Partners (“B&P”) wishes to make the following disclosures in accordance with the articles 3 (1), 4 (1) (b) and 5 (1) from the Sustainability Risk Finance Disclosure Regulation (2019/2088), hereafter the “SFDR”.
Integration of Sustainability Risk
Further to its Code of Conduct and Sustainability Pillars, Buysse & Partners acknowledges that investment decisions may lead to Sustainability Risks which can impact the value of companies and buildings (“Assets”) it invests in.
According to the SFDR, ‘Sustainability Risks’ means “an environmental, social or governance event or condition that, if it occurs, could cause a negative material impact on the value of an investment”.
To mitigate Sustainability Risks, B&P has incorporated ESG considerations in its investment procedures and decision-making processes, from due diligence until the divestment of Assets. Prior to any investment decision, B&P conducts an in-depth due diligence covering legal, fiscal, financial, and sustainability items, and which may be supported by external advisors where necessary.
Principal Adverse Impact reporting
According to SFDR, ‘Sustainability Factors’ means “environmental, social and employee matters, respect for human rights, anti‐corruption and anti‐bribery matters”.
Considering the current small size of its organization, and in accordance with article 4.1 (b) of the SFDR, B&P is currently not sufficiently equipped in resources and staff to consider principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on Sustainability Factors. Therefore, B&P does not make disclosures as set forth under article 4.1 (a) of the SFDR.
With a view to continuous improvement and considering the evolution of the applicable regulations, B&P commits to increase the measurement of potential adverse impacts linked to its investment decisions in the future.
Integration of sustainability risk in the remuneration policy
Buysse & Partners Remuneration Policy combines a fixed and variable component (including bonus) for its team members. B&P strives to continuously bring awareness amongst its team members regarding the sustainability risks investment decisions may lead to. B&P’s Remuneration Policy is aligned with its ESG Policy regarding the integration of Sustainability risks on the investment decision making process.