When starting this blog and choosing this specific title, we wondered how many blogs have started exactly the same way and with exactly the same question.
At Buysse & Partners, we are investors, we are no professional writers, stand alone bloggers. But we have a story to tell. Behind all our investment decisions, behind the facts and figures of the companies we are invested in, is a fascinating story.
As long as our focus was on the Belgian market, people felt connected to our investments. They were able to “touch” these companies, meet the management teams and refer to the offices they worked in or the lorries they drove. Since we diversified our activities to Latin America, many of our investors seem to be “disconnected”.
Brazil is far away, they have no connection with Mrs. Bachelet, the new Chilean president and many still wonder if Colombia is still the country of the FARC-guerillas. In trying to find ways to move the continent closer to our investors, we have decided to start blogging about our experiences in these countries and about the important and less important events that happen in this part of the world and in our portfolio companies.
You probably didn’t know that Chile was the biggest producer of salmon in the entire world.
A lot has been written about street protests or “rolezinhos” in Brazil, but if you actually were there and experienced this (like we did), it provides a different view. It is our ambition to share our experiences, images and “interesting facts” with you on this blog.
We hope it can intrigue you and make you as passionate about Latin America as we are.
We sincerely hope some of you may be triggered and waiting for our next blogpost. And if it doesn’t, it will still be a way for us to capture all these precious experiences and knowledge and keep track of our steps outside of Europe.
Best regards,
Guy Mertens