Draghi walks the walk!

Draghi walks the walk!

After his “whatever it takes”-moment in the summer of 2012 to avoid the break-up of the Eurozone, ECB president Mario Draghi today makes it very clear that he, once again, will do whatever it takes within his powers to prevent the Eurozone from falling into a...

Does size matter?

Does size matter?

Does size matter? Of course it does! It’s a question frequently raised, whether appropriate or not. Imagine it’s 6am in the morning and you just had 2 hours of sleep last night. It’s an important day, and you need to be on top of your game. To get a little kick-start...

It’s a Marathon, not a sprint

It’s a Marathon, not a sprint

Waarom een allereerste blog ooit schrijven over het deelnemen aan een marathon? Bij het neerschrijven van deze vraag realiseer ik mij dat beiden eigenlijk een primeur zijn of beter gezegd waren. Of ze voor herhaling vatbaar zijn,  dat zal de tijd uitwijzen… De reden...

Hey, teacher, don’t leave the poor alone!

Hey, teacher, don’t leave the poor alone!

I am now living in Sao Paulo for just over 2 months and start seeing some “trends”. When asking Brazilians what is holding Brazil back, education, infrastructure and healthcare are the three recurring ailments. Let’s focus on education in this blog-post. The poor...

Innovate or die

Innovate or die

Onlangs werd Vivaldis Interim in een studie van Deloitte uitgeroepen tot Super Achiever. Eén van de speerpunten om dit label te behalen, was de sterke focus op innovatie die in de groep bestaat. Anke Ulens, de CEO van de Vivaldis Groep, trekt die innovatieve lijn nu...

Business, Caipirinha’s and Condoms in Belo Horizonte

Business, Caipirinha’s and Condoms in Belo Horizonte

Wednesday (26 March 2014) I arrived in Belo Horizonte, Brazil’s third largest city and capital of the Minas Gerais region. I was there to represent our portfolio companies on  the “Belgian Day”and was invited by the ‘Diário do Comércio’, the local financial newspaper,...