Ellen daman
Asset & property Manager
Ellen Daman holds a Postgraduate in Real Estate Management from the Catholic University of Leuven, and gained 10+ years professional experience as a real estate consultant.
Ellen joined Buysse & Partners’ real estate department in February 2022 as an Asset & Property Manager where she brings a diverse range of technical, legal and commercial knowledge to the table.
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Who's who
Frank Buysse
Guy Mertens
Dimitri Herbosch
Evi Vandenborne
Ingrid Baeten
Laurens Willems
Peter De Bie
Julie De Bruyn
Bruna Seghers
An Coenen
Tania Mertens
Edgar Hujoel
Eric Claessens
Florian Rotsaert
Epco Van Hemelen
Liesbeth Segers
Ian Fidlers
Alexander Vos
Loïc Vancauwenberghe
Michiel Ruysschaert
Karen van den Eshof
Ellen Daman
Evelien Coppens
Nathalie Van den Broeck
Anthony Verhaere
Johan Buyle
Noël Paesen
Nick De Luyck
Tim Holthof